Phosphorous (P205): 21.00%
MSR is a non-metallic element derived from the fossilized remains of ancient organic life beneath the sea. As a result, it’s usually found in rock form and it contains over 70 additional trace minerals that can reignite degraded soil.
The process of micronisation refines MSR into particles no larger than 10 microns in size. They have a relatively large surface area and can be easily suspended in water. But once they’re applied, microbes in soil can easily solubilise the phosphate and access the additional trace elements available.
Phosphorus is an incredible facilitator to soil. When combined with calcium it can increase the rate of photosynthesis, and in turn, the production of sugar.
Phosphorus is found in several forms in soil; P1, P2 and P204. P204 is the organic state stable in soil, making it the only form available to plants. All other forms of phosphorous require metabolic changes before plants are able to utilize it.
MSR can also improve seed germination, root growth and rates of photosynthesis because of the effects of the additional trace minerals.
Recommended Usage:
Foliar Application:
1-4 grams per 10m2 Mix with enough water to cover foliage with adequate coverage, making sure to provide continuous agitation to keep the product in suspension.
As a Bloom Booster:
0.25-0.5 grams per 4L of growing media. 150g per cubic meter of soil, Mix with water and apply to the soil surface, making sure to provide continuous agitation to keep the product in suspension.
Soil Grown Crops:
1-4 grams per 10m2 (100ft2). Mix with water and apply to the soil surface, making sure to provide continuous agitation to keep the product in suspension.