Tools / Urban Worm Farms / Supplies

If you’re on the hunt quality tested gardening products that we know and love, this is the collection you want to pay attention to. 

Chapin sprayers are the best wide nozel microbe sprayers on the market for small scale gardening. The design is built to last with replaceable parts and they will not harm microbes on delivery like most garden sprayers.

Chikamasa make the best quality trimming shears in the game

Urban worm farms are the best for biological focused castings

The collection of Japanese garden tools will make short work of your next project. 

Chikamasa PS-20R Secateurs / Pruning Shears - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Ammendments New Zealand
Chikamasa B-500SF/B-500SLF Trimming Shears  - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Amendments New Zealand Chikamasa B-500SF/B-500SLF Trimming Shears  - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Amendments New Zealand
Chapin 1949 Sprayer  - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Amendments New Zealand Chapin 1949 Sprayer  - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Amendments New Zealand
Urban Worm Farm Bag - Indoor Grow NZ, Hydroponics NZ, Grow tent, Grow light, Nutrients Urban Worm Farm Bag - Indoor Grow NZ, Hydroponics NZ, Grow tent, Grow light, Nutrients
Crafty Gatherer Biochar Burner - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Ammendments New Zealand Crafty Gatherer Biochar Burner - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Ammendments New Zealand
Hydro Axis 8L Sprayer - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Ammendments New Zealand
Sheffield Saw - 30cm - Seacliff Organics Living Soil Ammendments New Zealand